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Must read guide before starting JavaScript development

Hussnain Aslam


  1. To master JavaScript ‘A smarter way to learn JavaScript’ is the best book because it provide you online exercises link to polish your skill.
  2. Before learning JavaScript language we need to understand that why we use computers? Answer to this question is computers were made to increase productivity by giving the repetitive tasks to the computers because computers work with efficiency, reliability and accuracy.
  3. Then the question arises that why we develop software apps? answer to this question is we program computers to perform certain tasks that process is called software development in that process we convert the manual tasks into automatic to increase our productivity.
  4. There is a communication gap between computers and human and to end this gap programming languages are used. programming languages work as bridge or translator between human and computers and programming languages has some rules or vocabulary on that basis we give commands to computers.
  5. There are 2 types of programming languages. computers can understand low level programming languages and human can understand high level programming language.
  6. Low level programming language is close to machine level programming level language which is binary language.
  7. We human work in high level language and to make machine understand it is the responsibility of programming language and its translator.
  8. Low level language is machine dependent and high level language is machine independent.
  9. When we work in low level language which is machine dependent means it work according to the computer architecture. If it is written on specific hardware architecture then the code only runs on that architecture.
  10. High level language runs on every hardware.
  11. Low level language is faster and high level language is slower because it need to translate the code to machine level.
  12. Low level language code is called machine code and high level language code is called source code.
  13. Source code then converted to the machine code.
  14. Compilers and interpreter are translators used to convert high level language into machine level language.
  15. In case of compiler the code compiles and converted into intermediary code or object code and shows you error if exist.
  16. In the next step then it execute the program and in compiler case the execution process is fast because object code is near the machine code and syntactical errors are already checked.
  17. Interpreter convert the source code into machine code line by line and execute line by line.
  18. If it found error during the execution then the program break and at the first error the execution stops.
  19. Interpreter code is relatively slower than the compiler code because the compilation and the execution happen in the single step.
  20. Brendon Iac developed JavaScript language for the browser because the browser was very simple it was only clickable files moves back and forward so the need for the programming language for the browser arose to make the browser activities dynamic.
  21. Brendon was asked to make a language near to java for client because java was server side at that time and owner of sun systems were involved in it.
  22. In 1995 Brendon made a language in 10 days so there were many flaws in the first edition of it.
  23. Web pages become interactive with JavaScript and it improved the user experience.
  24. Microsoft developed JScript language in competition with the java script and then every browser started developing its own language and there were no standard in web so there were need to standardized it.
  25. A standard was developed with the name of ECMA Script and every browser adopted it initially and with the passage of time ECMA Script 2 and 3 released which revolutionized the JavaScript from script to full fledged language.
  26. Microsoft invented the XML HTTP request (ajax) when we click on the web page the data comes from the server without refreshing the entire page. after this the era of web applications started and java script adoption increased(native like applications).
  27. Every browser has its own JavaScript engine which convert source code to the machine code.
  28. UI display is because of rendering engine.
  29. Then ECMA Script war started and there was no updated version coming in the market for developers so there was allot of inconsistencies. to overcome that problem allot of libraries was developed but jQuery was most favorite library. jQuery also boosted the adoption of JavaScript.
  30. There was a problem in the jQuery because jQuery code was written in the page that's why across page data transfer was a problem and also for the complex applications the code become unmaintainable.
  31. Then client side applications era started. Business logic, UI manipulation and navigation started using on the client side and you just take data from the server it is called the client rich applications or single page applications.
  32. Google launched the angular 1 but there were design flaws and they started working on the angular 2 meanwhile Facebook launched React.js.
  33. Component based and client side architecture and client side was focused in React.js.
  34. Then another library launched who picked the Angular and React and named it Vue.
  35. And then Angular2 launched now, Angular2,React and Vue are main contenders.
  36. These libraries and frameworks reduced the development time because they give standardized pattern and structure.
  37. It benefited that client side applications and people started making the web applications and it boosted the JavaScript adoption.
  38. Then google chrome made v8 engine and made it opensource to standardized increased the speed of the browser through just in time compiler and boosted the execution of JavaScript. web apps started running fast and chrome became the favorable browser.
  39. V8 engine can run independently and it don't need any browser run it and that was another milestone because a project was made using the v8 engine named Node js and with Node js you can use JavaScript to make server side applications.
  40. Node js made the JavaScript a good server side alternatives and boost its adoption. JavaScript is now a universal language means you can make apps for both client side and server side.
  41. V8 engine can run JavaScript without browser .
  42. Then another project launched with the name of Electron which made possible the development of desktop applications possible and it was also because of v8 engine.


In this tutorial we talked about the computers, need of programming languages, compilers ,interpreters ,JavaScript evolution and its mass adoption for the client side and server side development.



Hussnain Aslam
Hussnain Aslam

Written by Hussnain Aslam


Full stack developer| write on software development

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